Being an entrepreneur

Do you know what it means to be an entrepreneur? to have your own business? to depend on yourself financially? to surpass yourself? to regularly get out of your comfort zone? to stay consciously in your comfort zone? to not know how you will pay your bills? to doubt yourself? to doubt others? to doubt your choices? to be convinced of your choices? to fight against the beliefs of those around you? to get away from some people and get closer to others? to ask yourself 1’000 questions? to have no answers? to have answers?

to have this unchanging faith that everything is right, everything is perfect, even if it’s hard and complicated?

The day of an entrepreneur looks a bit like this:


To be an entrepreneur, is to question regularly, who we are, what we really want, where the next payment will come from, reposition ourselves, advertise, give workshops, network, do admin, advise , be happy, act as if …., all is well, all is wrong, …. and that every day, sometimes several times a day.

When I asked myself the question this morning “what do I really want”, repeating, “what do I really really want” and repeat it again “what do I really really really want” I found my answer.

I want to see people happy, happy to live, happy to be themselves, happy with what they have, happy about their relationships, happy about the life that is theirs. And if I can bring some of that happiness into their life then I will be fulfilled. That’s why I chose to leave a good salary, some nice colleagues, a company that was not for me and to follow the voice / way that I should have listened to for a long time, and to train and do what I have always dreamed, coach, share, communicate, exchange. I chose to be an entrepreneur!

Being an entrepreneur is not for everyone, I recognize it and do not recommend it to everyone.

If you are not happy, personally or professionally, if you feel that you are not fulfilled, ask for help. If you want to regain a deep sense of well-being and calm, ask for help. If you want to regain your strength, remove tensions, fill yourself up with energy, ask for help.

I know how to lighten and brighten up a sometimes very dark tunnel. I know how to bring out your the strengths, I have a good sense of humor (ok English humor is not for everyone), I know how to listen, I am kind, I remain without judgment, I know how to put the finger on your fears and doubts always with kindness and respect,  I know how to learn from mistakes, I am brave and know how to empower and encourage you.

It’s not always easy, and even if I want to live in a fantasy world full of “care bears”, I’m realistic. My reality may not be yours and it’s ok and even that’s good. I am not you, I do not have your experience, I do not have your education, I am me.

So even if this message does not speak to you, share it around you because maybe someone else needs it today.

I am here, I see you, I hear you and I support you.

And if no one has told you today, you count, you are worthy and you are supported.

Have a beautiful day