Charlie Brown or Snoopy?

Who do you think like, Charlie Brown or Snoopy?
Do you see the cup half full, half empty or with just the right amount for today?
Take a step back for a moment and become aware of your thoughts, the words you use, who you surround yourself with, do you feel energized or deflated? If energized, great you are on a good track, if you feel deflated, change something: a word, a thought, the company you hold, your mindset, anything but definitely change something!
Start noticing what you have instead of what you want to have.
Start noticing the words you use, do you say “no problem” or do you say “with pleasure “? Do you criticize others, do you compare yourself to others, how loud is your inner critic and what does it say?

When you find yourself saying things like “it’s not bad”, stop, turn the sentence around and start saying “it’s good” or “it’s ok”. Notice how things start to change, to look different and notice the difference in how you feel.

Have a wonderful day